Monday, May 15, 2017

Ask a Career Coach: How to Prevent Being Laid Off From a New Job, Sort of

Today our guest blogger Jessica DeCotis answers another question.

The Question: “Hi Jess, Last year I [was] employed at a company, and then a month later they had a layoff and let me go. [I am] worried that a company I’m currently interviewing with might do the same thing. What can I do to make sure it won't happen again?
The Answer: The short answer is, nothing. There is never a guarantee that a company won't let you go due to layoffs or otherwise. However, there are other things you can do to make sure the company is financially healthy. Here are some steps to take:
1. Do your research
Look up news articles on the business and industry. Look for news about:
a. Recent layoffs
b. Acquisitions
c. Hiring freezes
d. A new CEO
e. Ongoing litigations
Any of these could be a sign that the company may be going through some significant changes and that could include layoffs. If you find any of these articles in recent news, you can follow step 2.
2. Inquire further
Ask your interviewers. Once you’ve found articles on the company, it doesn’t hurt to politely bring them up in an interview or phone call. It will also show you’ve done your homework. You can say something like, “I saw that your business was recently acquired by the XYZ company, what changes do you foresee happening in your department in the near future.” You will most likely not get an admission about possible future layoffs, but if the hiring manager admits not knowing what to expect or doesn’t sound believably optimistic, it could be a sign of things to come.
3. Be direct
If you’re still concerned but would like to keep moving forward in the process, let the hiring manager know you have a few questions. You can ask if there have been any recent layoffs. If yes, ask why. If no, you can ask, how often are products canceled or priorities changed? If the answer is "recently there have been a lot of products canceled," This could be a sign that this company is dealing with budget and cash flow issues.
If you have even an inkling that it would be a poor decision to take a position somewhere, don’t do it.
If you’ve received an offer, let the company know that you are grateful for the offer but you've decided to stay where you are and would love the possibility of working with them in the future.
By Jessica DeCotis, Career Coach
If you would like a personalized session to refresh your resume, prepare for an interview, or learn the best techniques for a targeted job search, JDec Marketing and Career Coaching can help you. No matter your current job situation, there is an affordable option for you. For more information, please visit

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